Social Emancipating Transformers, fondly known
as SET, is a non-profit organization focused on
building future skilled individuals from various
walks of life. The Foundationis set up to equip our
beneficiaries with relevant skills for the workplace
and entrepreneurship.

Our team is dedicated to creating bespoke
solutions for clients who are looking to empower
their communities in asustainable manner. Our
programs are sector-agnostic, with digital being
the core focus of building these skills.
Digitally-driven learning solutions play a pivotal
role in business growth, ensuring that the right
pipeline of skills is harnessed at the grassroots

Innovation is the key driver of economic growth,
and we believe in implementing programs that
offer our beneficiaries access to share their
innovations with the world. Our programs range
from short to full programs, designed with
sponsors in mind for visible value and return on